Australian National Archives


Australian National Archives

Collection Items

Document - ANA - The Saga of Wool in War and Peace
Pages from a printed publicity piece published by the American Wool Council, 1450 Broadway, NY, NY; "Text Assembled from Reports of the United States Army and Navy." P. 1 - Cover; P.2 - "The Army and Navy Agree: Wool Has No Substitute"; P.3 - Spread…

Document - ANA-1939ReportGermanSyntheticProgress.jpg
Extract from Imperial Economic Committee document: Quotation at length from the Frankfurter Zeitung of 24 March 1939. "Further Improvement in Industrially Produced Textile Materials"

Document - ANA-1939GermanRayonReportCoverMemo.JPG
Memo - Cover letter to a secret report on German substitute and synthetic fibres. The report itself (one page reproduced herein) covers more than just the staple rayon industry.

Document - ANA-1938Japan-AusWoolRayonp2.JPG
P.2 of Japanese government document regarding trade agreement with Australia, detailing sticking points as to export restrictions on rayon staple (i.e. wool-like) fabrics. This page continues Japan's arguments in favor of allowing greater quantities…

Document - ANA-1915TextileAllianceDocSouthAfrica.jpg
An excerpt from a document by the US' organization The Textile Alliance; this page focusing on shipping troubles of getting wool from South Africa (unrestricted by the British) to the US.

Document - ANA-1939EdithCoxLtr.JPG
Edith Cox wrote the Australian PM to express her views that rayon was not a suitable substitute for wool in clothing; that their had been many deaths already because of rayon's flammability; and that Australian wool would keep British citizens safer…

Document - ANA-1938Japan-AustraliaWoolRayonTrade.jpg
Japanese government offer of guaranteed purchase of certain number of bales of Australian wool, in return for which they wish Australia to purchase a certain number of yards of their own rayon staple fiber cloth, weighing above 3 oz. per yard,…

Document - ANA1941NovShoddyToShanghai.JPG
Typescript of cable describing shipment approved of wool shoddy to mill in Shanghai, November 1941. Question now is whether the shoddy was for use by the Chinese government or the Japanese?

Document - ANA1938JapanWool.JPG
Typescript of cable describing Japan's prohibition of wool for civilian use in order to divert wool to export trade; a result of the conflict with China. NB: Diversion of wool to exports probably in order to earn hard currency necessary to support…
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